Welcome To Awake & Ascending!
Welcome to your VIP Ticket To Higher Consciousness. Including but not limited to: wisdom about spirituality, 5D ascension, my personal blog and TRUTHS the world silences!
Today is the day beautiful human!
I'm beyond stoked to be sharing this today because that means it is time to invite you to join Awake & Ascending The Membership 🥳

Welcome to your VIP Ticket To Higher Consciousness. Including but not limited to: wisdom about spirituality, 5D ascension, my personal blog and TRUTHS the world silences!

After years of serving people in mindset, spirituality, consciousness, and through 1-1 mentorship, group mentoring, podcast, content, and trainings, it is time for me to do what I've always been called to do (literally...check out this blog to see what I mean).
It is time for me to write.
It is time for me to share my thoughts.
It is time for me to have a dedicated space where I get to speak what wants to be spoken without the fear of being censored, without it getting lost in a feed and without it being subjected to an algorithm.
It is time for me to BE the publication that has been calling me.
Awake & Ascending was something I intended to share with the world in 2023, but my 3D life had a different plan. I guess I could 'blame' it on the 3D world, or I could acknowledge that it wasn't the right moment for it to be birthed. Let's go with option B. As that is the truth...
The truth.. this publication was not ready for the world or the world wasn't ready for it... again I'm going to go with the ladder. The world was not ready for this publication. But now it is.
Everything is aligning for Awake & Ascending to come into the light and here we are! This publication is a space that I own, that cannot be censored, or lost. It is a space where I get to share what I was put here to share. An aspect of my purpose if you will.
And this isn't just about me. This is about holding space for deeper conversations with and for others. This is about sharing wisdom that has been lost and desires to be seen in the timeline we are in now. This is about bringing the darkness into the lightness, however that might look.
The premise behind this publication is quite literally AWAKE & ASCENDING. If you are reading this then you are most likely someone who is on their journey of awakening or ascending. The way we activate and continue within both of these journeys is by moving forward in our awakening & ascension every day.
Everyday we get to awaken a little bit more beyond the 3D illusion and physical self and ascend into what is calling us and into a higher state of being. This is literally our mission as a spiritual being having a human experience.... awaken & ascend into higher states of consciousness (awareness).
In this publication you will find all different forms of articles, blogs, resources, and conversations that are designed to support your daily journey of AWAKENING & ASCENDING. This will not be a space of linearity but rather a space of dimensionality.
You can expect the information, thoughts, and words shared to resonate with you, to challenge you, to disrupt you, and to elevate you. Every person who enters into this container (aka publication space) will have a different experience and that is what makes this beautiful.
The other intention this has been created within is COMMUNITY. This container (publication) is here to support deep conversations, be a place you can share what is true to you without judgment or fear, and a space where you will be surrounded by like-minded souls on the same journey as you.
Not only will there be blogs, articles, and wisdom shared, but there is also the opportunity to join quarterly masterclasses, receive VIP pricing on my offerings and events, and access to a private podcast - Awake & Ascending.
As mentioned above this has been created with dimensionality in mind. Reading is one thing, listening is another, and then experiencing is a whole different thing. All of these things will be provided through this container (publication).
Should you desire to join us in this journey you can most definately expect to awaken into a greater understanding of what is and ascend into a greater version of yourself... you know the one that has been calling you!
There are 3 different access points to this publication;
1 - Limited Access (Free)
2 - VIP Access (Paid)
3 - Founders Access (Paid)
Below you will find all the details of Awake & Ascending, what is included in each access point.
For the month of March you will be able to purchase the Founders Membership for $145/year or $15/month. This will be the membership level with the most access, resources, and goodies.
The kick-off promotion shared above is available as an annual membership only and will renew annually for $100.
To claim the kick-off promo send me a DM on Instagram ' FOUNDER PROMO' for the link to sign up!
(The Founders Membership is no long active)
Awake & Ascending Memberships
Limited Access (Free)
Limited Access To Awake & Ascending
- Full Access To Post Comments
- Full Access: Letters To Me Series
- Full Access: Road To Gold
- Access: Awake & Ascending Publication
- Access: Awake & Ascending Podcast
- BONUS: AMA - Ask Danielle Anything
VIP Access (Paid)
Full Access To Premium Content + Masterclass
- Access The Community & Post Comments
- VIP Access To All Posts and Full Archive
- VIP Access To DG Personal Blogs
- VIP Access To 3D Truths Publication
- VIP Access To Awake & Ascending Podcast
- VIP Access: 1st Listen - The Spiritual Show Podcast
- BONUS: AMA: Ask Danielle Anything
- BONUS: Quarterly MasterclassChoose
Founders Access (Paid)
Full Access To Premium Content + BONUS GOODIES
- Access The Community & Post Comments
- VIP Access To All Posts and Full Archive
- VIP Access To DG Personal Blogs
- VIP Access To 3D Truths Publication
- VIP Access To Awake & Ascending Podcast
- VIP Access: 1st Listen - The Spiritual Show Podcast
- BONUS: AMA: Ask Danielle Anything
- BONUS: Quarterly MasterclassChoose
- BONUS: Founding Member ONLY Posts
- BONUS: 1st Look on Offerings & Events + VIP Pricing
- BONUS: 5-Part Meditation Series
- BONUS: Additional Resources & Goodies
The Founders Membership is no long active
You can cancel your subscription at any time (though why would you!).
I cannot wait to see you join and activate your own journey of awakening & ascending.
And reminding you that this is about YOU, your journey, and what you get to awaken & ascend. This isn't about some structure or strategy. This is about you receiving something that will expand you into higher states of consciousness.
I still can't believe that the moment is now for Awake & Ascending to be a thing... it honestly feels like a dream, and a moment coming full circle.... Way back when I was 18 I had this desire to write and share... and here we are!
Welcome to Awake & Ascending Beautiful Human! I'll see you on the inside with your VIP ticket to higher consciousness.