Raise Your Vibration & Consciousness With These 7 Questions [Prompts]
If you’re someone who wants to raise your level of consciousness and vibration in just one week from simple self-reflection prompts, you’re going to want to read this.
Raising our vibration is a byproduct of raising our levels of consciousness.
Here are 7 simple prompts, that when acted upon are the ACTION of raising your levels of consciousness through self awareness.

Are you ready? Let’s go....
- What limiting beliefs am I holding onto that no longer serve me?
Reflect on any negative or outdated beliefs about yourself, others, or the world. Consider how these beliefs might be holding you back and how you can release or transform them
Pro Tip: Focus on the beliefs of others as these are mirror for oneself :)
- How can I cultivate more gratitude in my daily life?
List at least three things you're grateful for each day. Bonus: go deeper, move beyond the same old gratitude answers!) Reflect on how focusing on gratitude shifts your perspective and raises your vibration.
- In what areas of my life am I not being authentic?
Examine where you might be hiding your true self or conforming to others' expectations. Consider how embracing authenticity can elevate your energy and sense of self-worth.
Expansion: write a letter to the version of you that is scared to be who they really are!
- What past experiences or emotions do I need to forgive and let go of?
Reflect on any lingering resentments, guilt, or regrets. Bring into your awareness a healing process that aligns with you and acknowledge how forgiveness will free your energy and elevate your consciousness.
- How can I align more closely with my higher self?
Think about actions, habits, or thoughts that resonate with your highest values and aspirations. Consider what steps you can take to align your daily life with these ideals.
Pro Tip: create a daily habit tracker to keep you accountable
- What brings me joy, and how can I incorporate more of it into my life?
Identify activities, people, or places that uplift your spirit. Reflect on how you can make these joyful experiences a regular part of your routine to maintain a high vibration.
BONUS: Write a list of all the reasons you are not prioritizing more JOY in your life right now.
Which one was the generated the greatest expansion for you?
If you desire more prompts to raise your level of consciousness, check out The Perspective Shifts All Access Pass.